Subject Verb Agreement Class Vi

When you begin writing as a student in class VI, one of the first concepts you are likely to come across is subject verb agreement. This concept is essential for clear and concise writing, and it’s crucial that you understand it if you want to communicate effectively through your written work.

The basic idea behind subject verb agreement is quite simple. When you write a sentence, the verb you choose should agree with the subject of the sentence in terms of number and person. This means that if your subject is singular, your verb should be singular, and if your subject is plural, your verb should be plural as well.

For example, let’s take a look at the following sentence:

The boy plays basketball on the weekends.

In this sentence, the subject is “the boy,” which is singular, so the verb “plays” is also singular. If we were to change the subject to a plural form, the verb would need to be adjusted accordingly:

The boys play basketball on the weekends.

In this sentence, the subject is now “the boys,” which is plural, so the verb “play” is also plural.

One common mistake that students often make with subject verb agreement is when the subject and verb are separated by other words, such as prepositional phrases. In these cases, it’s important to make sure that you still match the verb with the subject, rather than with the words that come in between.

For example:

The group of students is excited to go on the field trip.

In this sentence, the subject is “group,” which is singular, so the verb “is” is also singular.

Another common mistake is when the subject and verb don’t agree in terms of person. This can happen when you are writing in the third person and accidentally switch between singular and plural forms.

For example:

He and his friends is going to the movies.

In this sentence, “he” is singular, while “friends” is plural, so the verb “is” needs to be changed to “are” to match the plural subject.

In conclusion, subject verb agreement is a fundamental concept in writing, and it’s crucial that you practice it regularly to improve your writing skills. Always remember to match your verb with the subject in terms of number and person, and be careful to avoid common mistakes such as separating the subject and verb with other words or using the wrong verb form. With practice, you will be able to master subject verb agreement and write with more clarity and precision.

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